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Tug of war- letting go of restricting.

7 Apr

We go one way, then we go another way. Forwards and back. The grass starts to get thread-bare, then completely worn away. Heels are digging in completely now.

I really, honestly do not know what to do. I have lost track of what “normal” eating is. I have lost track of what my body is supposed to look like. Supposed to feel like. My fingers find the bones of my chest. Ribs- I count them and rub them like a talisman. They protrude a little. When people hug me or rub my back it embarrasses me a bit- the knobs.

Now I’m not Skeletor (He-man reference). I don’t look “anorexic”. And I’m not. I am underweight but people don’t look at me and think “eeeek!”.

My dietitian thinks I should be about 1.5 stones heavier than I am. Now come on- I have never been that weight in my life and never intend to be. She very seriously tells me that at my current weight I would not be able to conceive. However my blood results are all within normal range, I manage to live a pretty normal life and my hair’s not falling out so I’m obviously not that bloody underweight. Also I get lots of calcium. So why can’t I just continue as I am?

But I’m not sure about how I look. The chest is obviously bony. I’ve always been small on top but now it’s super small. The shoulders are a bit pointy. But my stomach and thighs have never been like this before. Am I prepared to have a bony upper body just so that I can have slim thighs?

Eh. Yes. It would appear so.

I know I know I KNOW that men find slightly curvier women more attractive. Whevs. I am not doing this for men. I am doing it for my own sense of inner peace with my weight.

It could be just a phase. Normality might creep back in..

Vegan…vegetarian…anorexic (not to mention the horse-beef scandal)

10 Mar

Illustrated cleverly at Fat Ballerina’s blog   Vegan.

Hilarious (or a bit sad maybe) timing for me as I just received my Go- Veg starter pack from PETA.

Nobody can be mad at me or question the sanity of my being against animal cruelty.

Nobody can have a go at me if I decline to eat something because I’m a vegetarian.

Nobody can question my limited appetite and apparent disinterest in food.

It’s dangerous ground for the eating-disordered. Free reign to cut out whole swathes of food (practically bloody everything if you’re vegan).

Socially difficult, but so is eating  all &^%£ all.

Looking at it from another perspective- if eating vegan or veg helps you to get control of bingeing, or helps you to find an acceptable way to manage your intake without wrecking yourself then hey, knock yourself out. As a “functioning” anorexic I condone that. Anything you need to do to stay healthy, happy and in control.

Also anything that encourages you to eat more veg is great.

Tofu though. I have tried, really tried to like this stuff but Jesus. Come on. It’s rank. Spongy. It tastes like damp. If anyone can convince me otherwise with a great recipe I;ll give it a go.

Also think of the animals. The little critters and the big ones. Factory farming ad slaughter techniques are ugly. Free range feels better. Tesco value burgers is going to be plain wrong. Don’t be surprised there is horse in there. Be surprised there is beef in there, or any meat at all. People are OUTRAGED at eating horse- being DUPED into eating BLACK BEAUTY!

This debate also has a grey area. Easy to get on your high horse (heh) and preach about organic, free range, stroked to sleep with velvet pillows every night meat but not everyone can afford that, and if it’s a choice between ethical eating and not eating at all you’re going plump for the value burgers.

Basically you could argue your way around these ones all day.

FYI- horse meat is much leaner than beef.