Tag Archives: sick-note

The sick-note

15 Feb

GP: So what should I write on your sick cert?

Me: Er…(depressed, not eating enough to be on my feet all day, can’t really be at work at the moment as sitting on the bathroom floor sobbing is really starting to eat into my time)….can you just say “mental health issues”

GP: sure, whatever you want

Me: (thinking….Jeez it’s no wonder people find it so easy to get signed off work)

So. Here we are. Signed off work. On sick leave. “Mental Health Issues”.

Feel a bit devastated. Also relieved. Also tiny bit of excitement that this could be the beginning of a recovery…a change…something better. A real whirlwind really. 

By the way- if you want a direct insight into what your life will be like when you are old and retired, sit in your local GP waiting room on a week day morning. The stuff of sit-coms.