
Let’s get one thing straight. I am not writing this blog because I am totally cool and down with the technology-online-social media kids. I am writing this blog because I, am an adult-aged, successful, confident and yes, reasonably hip young woman but I cannot say out loud that I HAVE DEPRESSION AND AN EATING DISORDER.

Something about the injustice of this rankles me. Why is it that people with mental illness feel the need to be so hush- hush about what is going on. Bit unfair. Nobody wants to have any illness (quiet you Münchhausen folk at the back), but some are easier to be open about than others. Sufferers of piles, and IBS out there- you know what I’m talking about.

But although piles and IBS may be embarrassing, and something you would probably not put on your MySingleFriend profile, at least they don’t have the potential to change someone’s whole perspective on you. Nobody is going to have second thoughts about a long term relationship with you because you get constipated.

Depression, Eating Disorders, self harm, bipolar, schizophrenia etc. These are heavy hitters. These shout all kinds of things in  the “prejudice” part of your brain. I do it and I fricking have a mental illness. And consider myself to be a very considerate, open and accepting person.

So some of this blog is about that (and would love to get your perspectives, especially those enlightened beings among you who have managed to step over the “stigma- blockade” and be open with people about your condition).

And some of it is about me and my journey through depression etc. I write about this to reflect, to have somewhere to be honest, to share the sad stuff that I don’t want to burden the nearest and dearests with. And also, because let’s face it, sometimes things get so shitey that it’s actually funny, and it’s therapeutic to laugh.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. GrayEyedAthena March 28, 2013 at 8:01 pm #

    I LOVE your spirit and style! So glad you found my blog so I could find yours. Just keep writing, it’s going to take you places. xoxo, g.

    • notgivingupjustgivingin March 28, 2013 at 8:03 pm #

      Hey thanks so much- love your writing and your blog is very pretty too! Looking forward to reading more of your postsx

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